What you should be doing to make the most of your modeling career.

As with any career, it is important to plan. As the saying goes, “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. You will get much farther and be more effective if you are organized, set realistic goals, and then set about to achieve those goals. You need to consider everything from how to get started and how to market yourself to how you will position yourself when paid offers for nude or topless shoots come in or a photographer’s behavior or request makes you uncomfortable.

As with any skill, practice and experience will make you better. Therefore, if you take your aspiring career seriously, it is important that you are either getting experience, practicing what you need to become better at, or both.

Be informed. Study. If there is a particular market you can see yourself fitting into, research it. Study the models in magazines. Find out who your favorite models are. Find out how they started out and became successful. One of the most common ways of becoming successful is emulating the behavior, attitude, and drive of those who became successful.

Understand a little bit about photography. Understand what makes a good photograph. Find out what types of photos you like best. Keep these photos in mind when you are shooting.

Don't be a flaky model. Why your reputation is important.
Who owns your photos? What you should know about copyright.